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Our College Website

The independence of India in 1947 was coupled with the
tragic partition of Bengal. Thousands of rootless people swarmed into West Bengal to
start life a new. Nadia is one of such districts, which accommodated a large section
of these displaced persons. Ranaghat along with other principal towns of Nadia had
to provide shelter to most of the refugees. In such a situation, a few educationists
dreamt of disseminating the fruits of higher education among the people of the
surrounding areas. It was thus that Ranaghat College made its humble beginning in a
small room of Pal Chowdhury High School, Ranaghat, Nadia, in 1950 with affiliation
to Calcutta University. Later it was shifted to its present premises by the side of
the National Highway 34. The College, located on a land of 4.68 acres, is well
connected by road and railways and ever since its inception it has been instrumental
in serving students from all section of the society irrespective of caste, creed and
religion presently affiliated to the University of Kalyani, Ranaghat college offers
three undergraduate programmes leading to B.A, B.Sc and B.Com degrees with Honours,
Major and General courses. Ranaghat College also offers regular Master Course in
Bengali under the University of Kalyani, DODL under the University of Kalyani in
Bengali, English, History and education from the year 2014. Ranaghat College is
operating a regular study centre of IGNOU, The Central University with U.G, P.G,
Certificate and Diploma Courses.
The eight existing buildings of the College have several rooms including lecture
halls, practical laboratories for science subjects, one laboratory in the department
of Geography, English Language laboratory, two Computer Centers, a Central Library
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